The following Terms and Conditions apply to the Finst Affiliates Program:
1. Finst website can be accessed at
2. Under the Affiliates program, eligible Affiliates may address their personal Affiliate link to eligible users, that may use such Affiliate link to become a new client of Finst.
3. The Affiliate link is personal and shall never been shared by the Affiliate to any third parties for the purpose of including it in contents which are not produced by the Affiliate.
4. The Affiliate shall have access to a non-proprietary technical system (hereinafter “Affiliate platform”). The Affiliate platform is provided on an “as is” basis and Finst does not guarantee its continuous and faultless operation. The Affiliate shall use unique tracking links available for each content type on the Affiliate platform. The unique tracking links are generated by Finst systems. The Affiliate shall not edit any tracking link unless instructed or explicitly accepted by Finst. It is the responsibility of the Affiliate to ensure that they use the correct tracking link. Finst shall not be liable for any commission in case the Affiliate uses an incorrect tracking link.
5. As we want our clients to invest responsibly,Affiliates are required to include the following risk disclaimer in all contents related to Finst. Thedisclaimer should be included in the same language as the content itself:“Investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks of loss.”
6. In case the Affiliate decides to use visual elements such as the logo of Finst, the Affiliate must ensure that the correct logo is used at all times. You can find Finst logo in different formats as well as other materials here:
7. Affiliates are strictly forbidden to include the brand name of Finst in any bidding auctions, including but not limited to, search engines or social media platforms.
8. When sharing their Affiliate link, Affiliates must act in accordance with the following requirements and Affiliates shall indemnify Finst for damages incurred by Finst in case of a breach of these requirements:
• It must be made clear in all contents where the Affiliate link is inserted that such link if for the account of the Affiliate and not Finst;
• It must be made clear that the services will be provided by Finst and not by the Affiliate;
• It must be made clear in any public content including the Affiliate link,that the Affiliate may receivea commission from the use of the Affiliate link; and
• Any content related to Finst and/or used in conjunction with the Affiliate link must not include incorrect, inaccurate, unfairor misleading information about Finst or its services;include, promote or offer illegal activities; harm the image name and reputation of Finstor go against its values; violate copyrights, trademarks and/or any other rights of Finst or any third party;include unlawful content or refer to such content.
9. The Affiliate link shall not be addressed at persons that are not eligible to become clients of Finst, and cannot be used in combination with Finst Referral link or imply or indicate that potential clients can benefit from this Promotion if they open account with Finst when the Affiliate link has been used.
10. The Affiliate must comply with applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to, Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) regulation, tax law, General Data Protection Regulation and laws, and the Dutch Social Media Advertisement Code.
11. Finst shall have the sole discretion to reject or refuse any new clients. Any persons that do not become clients of Finst shall not generate any commissions for the Affiliate.
12. Affiliates are entitled to receive a commission of up to 60% over the net trading fees charged by and paid to Finst for transactions made by users who became new clients of Finst using the Affiliate link of the Affiliate. The effective commission amount is subject to the commission tier applicable to the Affiliate as communicated by Finst. For the avoidance of doubt, a new client is defined as any eligible user who has never started the Finst registration process and has been accepted as a client by Finst. A new client will be deemed active once they perform at least one trade on the Finst platform. The total amount of commissions that Affiliates can earn is capped at 1000€ per new client.
13. The Affiliate shall be required to refund any commission paid at any point in time if it is established that such commission did not meet the required criteria, was generated in breach of these Terms and Conditions, or was generated as a result of misleading, unfair or fraudulent activities.
14. Finst may contact Affiliates to arrange specific Affiliate terms at its own discretion.
15. Affiliates shall be solely responsible for any taxes, including but not limited to Value Added Tax (VAT), due over the received amounts and shall pay such taxes. The commissions paid to the Affiliates include any applicable VAT.
16. Finst reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions or the conditions of the Affiliates program at any time, and to suspend or cancel the Affiliates Program at its sole discretion and without prior notice. In such cases, Finst will inform its Affiliates in due course.
Accepting the Terms and Conditions:
When participating in the Affiliates program, Affiliates automatically accept these Terms and Conditions. In case of any dispute regarding the Affiliates program or its Terms and Conditions, Finst’s decision will be binding.
In case of any questions or feedback regarding the Affiliates program, please contact our affiliates team at